Poser definition
Poser definition

poser definition

‘‘Let's just say there are a few posers that use the gym,’ he begins, laughing heartily.’.‘Posers was the word, but I kind of felt that those who called other people posers were almost as destructive to the spirit of the thing as the fashion-victims themselves.’.‘Yeah your rents will rise, yeah posers will start moving in, but oh well.’.‘The band make no bones about acknowledging the soul, funk, and jazz roots of hip-hop without being pretentious posers.’.‘While they still display the moves and the wardrobe of rock ‘n’ roll cliché, the band play with such passion and energy and with an obvious intent to expand their sound it would be sinful to dismiss them as posers.’.

poser definition

‘Having spent years dismissing them as a naff bunch of clueless posers with dodgy values and a few half-decent tunes, I found myself swiftly re-categorising the band as one of our national treasures: a classic pop band of the old school.’.‘I kind of doubt he'd be labeled a poser - he's got the attitude right down.’.‘No poser attitude with Diane, she just got on with the job and proved her worth to Papunya Community, not to mention the kids, many times over.’.

poser definition

  • ‘Some people love them, others think they are overpriced and worn by fashion victims and posers.’.
  • ‘Some people see cyclists as posers with their skin-tight brightly coloured Lycra jerseys, padded shorts and shaved legs.’.

  • Poser definition